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disrupting the familiar with art that feeds the soul and seeds connection

Bravery Bite #11: Gratitude

Gratitude sprinkled generously will create fertile soil for growing a more courageous life rooted in reciprocity. A grateful person accepts all of life as a gift, and finds the gift in all (or, at least most) situations. Rumi says: “Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.” Robert Emmons, […]

Bravery Bite #10: Shift Your View

Shifting your view can help you to turn a disempowering attitude into one that totally shifts how you relate to any situation. Practice these steps: Name the topic you are looking to have a more empowered attitude about (Ex: Taking on a project to eliminate injustice) Name the current attitude you have (Ex: Why am […]

Bravery Bite #9: Belonging

What comes to your mind when you think of “home”? For some of us, our childhood home was a happy place. For others, it was a painful place. For some, the image of home is one we have created later in life, in a community of our choice. Some of us still feel we have […]

Bravery Bite #8: Generosity

What you get from being generous builds the foundation under you that gives you more inner resources you can use in your Brave Journey. Research into generosity has shown substantial physical and mental health benefits come from living a generous life. Some of these benefits are discussed by Wendy Steele in her Tedx Talk called […]

Bravery Bite #7: Experimental Life

Developing an experimental mindset is key to training your brain to be brave. You become a different version of yourself as you grow your capacity to experiment, take risks, and be brave. Experimentation might seem like mighty risky business and luckily, there is a science to risk-taking including neuroplasticity and how every new experience causes […]

Bravery Bite #6: Fear

What stops you from being brave? Often, fear. Fear is just one of many forces in your life which saps your energy from you. Sometimes you are afraid when you can’t see a path which helps you relate to the change that you’re are experiencing or anticipating. Fear can quite literally paralyze you. We believe […]

Bravery Bite #5: Inner Community

Do you ever doubt your accomplishments are due to your own brilliance? Do you have a persistent, internalized fear of being exposed as a “fraud”? You may be one of the millions suffering from “Impostor Syndrome”. Perhaps you have a voice inside always doubting and criticizing your ideas? We call the voice we developed early […]

Bravery Bite #4: Failure & Success

We encourage you to work  on developing more courage in order to do the work in the world that is yours to do. You are not committing to doing it right, or with perfection. You will win some and lose some. Children are naturally inquisitive, curious, eager, and willing to try new things. They are […]

Bravery Bite #3: Natural Openings

First of all, ask yourself these questions about any situation in your life: What is the natural opening right in front of me: the door that is open that I can simply walk through? What beautiful opportunity is just sitting out there, waiting for my yes? What is the easy next step? We encourage you […]

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